Source code for pyworkforce.scheduling.shifts_selection

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
from pyworkforce.scheduling.base import BaseShiftScheduler

[docs]class MinAbsDifference(BaseShiftScheduler): def __init__(self, num_days: int, periods: int, shifts_coverage: dict, required_resources: list, max_period_concurrency: int, max_shift_concurrency: int, max_search_time: float = 120.0, num_search_workers=2, *args, **kwargs): """ The "optimal" criteria is defined as the number of resources per shift that minimize the total absolute difference between the required resources per period and the actual scheduling found by the solver Parameters ---------- num_days: int, Number of days needed to schedule periods: int, Number of working periods in a day shifts_coverage: dict, dict with structure {"shift_name": "shift_array"} where "shift_array" is an array of size [periods] (p), 1 if shift covers period p, 0 otherwise required_resources: list, Array of size [days, periods] max_period_concurrency: int, Maximum resources that are allowed to shift in any period and day max_shift_concurrency: int, Number of maximum allowed resources in the same shift max_search_time: float, default = 240 Maximum time in seconds to search for a solution num_search_workers: int, default = 2 Number of workers to search for a solution """ super().__init__(num_days, periods, shifts_coverage, required_resources, max_period_concurrency, max_shift_concurrency, max_search_time, num_search_workers)
[docs] def solve(self): """ Runs the optimization solver Returns ------- solution: dict, Dictionary with the status on the optimization, the resources to schedule per day and the final value of the cost function """ sch_model = cp_model.CpModel() # Resources: Number of resources assigned in day d to shift s resources = np.empty(shape=(self.num_days, self.num_shifts), dtype='object') # transition resources: Variable to change domain coordinates from min |x-a| # to min t, s.t t>= x-a and t>= a-x transition_resources = np.empty(shape=(self.num_days, self.num_periods), dtype='object') # Resources for d in range(self.num_days): for s in range(self.num_shifts): resources[d][s] = sch_model.NewIntVar(0, self.max_shift_concurrency, f'resources_d{d}s{s}') for d in range(self.num_days): for p in range(self.num_periods): transition_resources[d][p] = sch_model.NewIntVar(-self.max_period_concurrency, self.max_period_concurrency, f'transition_resources_d{d}p{p}') # Constrains # transition must be between x-a and a-x for d in range(self.num_days): for p in range(self.num_periods): sch_model.Add(transition_resources[d][p] >= ( sum(resources[d][s] * self.shifts_coverage_matrix[s][p] for s in range(self.num_shifts)) - self.required_resources[d][p])) sch_model.Add(transition_resources[d][p] >= (self.required_resources[d][p] - sum(resources[d][s] * self.shifts_coverage_matrix[s][p] for s in range(self.num_shifts)))) # Total programmed resources, must be less or equals to max_period_concurrency, for each day and period for d in range(self.num_days): for p in range(self.num_periods): sch_model.Add( sum(resources[d][s] * self.shifts_coverage_matrix[s][p] for s in range(self.num_shifts)) <= self.max_period_concurrency) # Objective Function: Minimize the absolute value of the difference between required and shifted resources sch_model.Minimize( sum(transition_resources[d][p] for d in range(self.num_days) for p in range(self.num_periods))) self.solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = self.max_search_time self.solver.num_search_workers = self.num_search_workers self.status = self.solver.Solve(sch_model) if self.status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]: resources_shifts = [] for d in range(self.num_days): for s in range(self.num_shifts): resources_shifts.append({ "day": d, "shift": self.shifts[s], "resources": self.solver.Value(resources[d][s])}) solution = {"status": self.solver.StatusName(self.status), "cost": self.solver.ObjectiveValue(), "resources_shifts": resources_shifts} else: solution = {"status": self.solver.StatusName(self.status), "cost": -1, "resources_shifts": [{'day': -1, 'shift': 'Unknown', 'resources': -1}]} return solution
[docs]class MinRequiredResources(BaseShiftScheduler): def __init__(self, num_days: int, periods: int, shifts_coverage: dict, required_resources: list, max_period_concurrency: int, max_shift_concurrency: int, cost_dict: dict = None, max_search_time: float = 240.0, num_search_workers: int = 2, *args, **kwargs): """ The "optimal" criteria is defined as the minimum weighted amount of resources (by optional shift cost), that ensures that there are never fewer resources shifted than the ones required per period Parameters ---------- num_days: int, Number of days needed to schedule periods: int, Number of working periods in a day shifts_coverage: dict, dict with structure {"shift_name": "shift_array"} where "shift_array" is an array of size [periods] (p), 1 if shift covers period p, 0 otherwise required_resources: list, Array of size [days, periods] max_period_concurrency: int, Maximum resources that are allowed to shift in any period and day max_shift_concurrency: int, Number of maximum allowed resources in the same shift cost_dict: dict, default = None dictionary of form {shift: cost_value}, where shift must be the same options listed in the shifts_coverage matrix, and they must be all integers max_search_time: float, default = 240 Maximum time in seconds to search for a solution num_search_workers: int, default = 2 Number of workers to search for a solution """ super().__init__(num_days, periods, shifts_coverage, required_resources, max_period_concurrency, max_shift_concurrency, max_search_time, num_search_workers) if cost_dict is None: self.cost_dict = dict.fromkeys(self.shifts, 1) else: self.cost_dict = cost_dict if set(sorted(self.shifts)) == set(sorted(list(self.cost_dict.keys()))): self.df_cost_matrix = pd.DataFrame.from_records([self.cost_dict]) else: raise KeyError('cost_dict must have the same keys as shifts_coverage')
[docs] def solve(self): """ Runs the optimization solver Returns ------- solution: dict, Dictionary with the status on the optimization, the resources to schedule per day and the final value of the cost function """ sch_model = cp_model.CpModel() # Resources: Number of resources assigned in day d to shift s resources = np.empty(shape=(self.num_days, self.num_shifts), dtype='object') # Resources for d in range(self.num_days): for s in range(self.num_shifts): resources[d][s] = sch_model.NewIntVar(0, self.max_shift_concurrency, f'resources_d{d}s{s}') # Constrains # Total programmed resources in day d and period p, must be greater or equals that required resources in d, p for d in range(self.num_days): for p in range(self.num_periods): sch_model.Add(sum(resources[d][s] * self.shifts_coverage_matrix[s][p] for s in range(self.num_shifts)) >= self.required_resources[d][p]) # Total programmed resources, must be less or equals to max_period_concurrency, for each day and period for d in range(self.num_days): for p in range(self.num_periods): sch_model.Add( sum(resources[d][s] * self.shifts_coverage_matrix[s][p] for s in range(self.num_shifts)) <= self.max_period_concurrency) # Objective Function: Minimize the total shifted resources sch_model.Minimize(sum(resources[d][s] * self.df_cost_matrix[self.shifts[s]].item() for d in range(self.num_days) for s in range(self.num_shifts))) self.solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = self.max_search_time self.solver.num_search_workers = self.num_search_workers self.status = self.solver.Solve(sch_model) if self.status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]: resources_shifts = [] for d in range(self.num_days): for s in range(self.num_shifts): resources_shifts.append({ "day": d, "shift": self.shifts[s], "resources": self.solver.Value(resources[d][s])}) solution = {"status": self.solver.StatusName(self.status), "cost": self.solver.ObjectiveValue(), "resources_shifts": resources_shifts} else: solution = {"status": self.solver.StatusName(self.status), "cost": -1, "resources_shifts": [{'day': -1, 'shift': 'Unknown', 'resources': -1}]} return solution