Source code for pyworkforce.queuing.erlang

from math import exp, ceil, floor
from pyworkforce.utils import ParameterGrid
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

[docs]class ErlangC: """ Computes the number of positions required to attend a number of transactions in a queue system based on erlangc.rst. Implementation inspired on: Parameters ---------- transactions: float, The number of total transactions that comes in an interval. aht: float, Average handling time of a transaction (minutes). asa: float, The required average speed of answer (minutes). interval: int, Interval length (minutes) where the transactions come in shrinkage: float, Percentage of time that an operator unit is not available. """ def __init__(self, transactions: float, aht: float, asa: float, interval: int, shrinkage=0.0, **kwargs): if transactions <= 0: raise ValueError("transactions can't be smaller or equals than 0") if aht <= 0: raise ValueError("aht can't be smaller or equals than 0") if asa <= 0: raise ValueError("asa can't be smaller or equals than 0") if interval <= 0: raise ValueError("interval can't be smaller or equals than 0") if shrinkage < 0 or shrinkage >= 1: raise ValueError("shrinkage must be between in the interval [0,1)") self.n_transactions = transactions self.aht = aht self.interval = interval self.asa = asa self.intensity = (self.n_transactions / self.interval) * self.aht self.shrinkage = shrinkage
[docs] def waiting_probability(self, positions: int, scale_positions: bool = False): """ Returns the probability of waiting in the queue Parameters ---------- positions: int, The number of positions to attend the transactions. scale_positions: bool, default=False Set it to True if the positions were calculated using shrinkage. """ if scale_positions: productive_positions = floor((1 - self.shrinkage) * positions) else: productive_positions = positions erlang_b_inverse = 1 for position in range(1, productive_positions + 1): erlang_b_inverse = 1 + (erlang_b_inverse * position / self.intensity) erlang_b = 1 / erlang_b_inverse return productive_positions * erlang_b / (productive_positions - self.intensity * (1 - erlang_b))
[docs] def service_level(self, positions: int, scale_positions: bool = False): """ Returns the expected service level given a number of positions Parameters ---------- positions: int, The number of positions attending. scale_positions: bool, default = False Set it to True if the positions were calculated using shrinkage. """ if scale_positions: productive_positions = floor((1 - self.shrinkage) * positions) else: productive_positions = positions probability_wait = self.waiting_probability(productive_positions, scale_positions=False) exponential = exp(-(productive_positions - self.intensity) * (self.asa / self.aht)) return max(0, 1 - (probability_wait * exponential))
[docs] def achieved_occupancy(self, positions: int, scale_positions: bool = False): """ Returns the expected occupancy of positions Parameters ---------- positions: int, The number of raw positions scale_positions: bool, default=False Set it to True if the positions were calculated using shrinkage. """ if scale_positions: productive_positions = floor((1 - self.shrinkage) * positions) else: productive_positions = positions return self.intensity / productive_positions
[docs] def required_positions(self, service_level: float, max_occupancy: float = 1.0): """ Computes the requirements using erlangc.rst Parameters ---------- service_level: float, Target service level max_occupancy: float, The maximum fraction of time that a transaction can occupy a position Returns ------- raw_positions: int, The required positions assuming shrinkage = 0 positions: int, The number of positions needed to ensure the required service level service_level: float, The fraction of transactions that are expected to be assigned to a position, before the asa time occupancy: float, The expected occupancy of positions waiting_probability: float, The probability of a transaction waiting in the queue """ if service_level < 0 or service_level > 1: raise ValueError("service_level must be between 0 and 1") if max_occupancy < 0 or max_occupancy > 1: raise ValueError("max_occupancy must be between 0 and 1") positions = round(self.intensity + 1) achieved_service_level = self.service_level(positions, scale_positions=False) while achieved_service_level < service_level: positions += 1 achieved_service_level = self.service_level(positions, scale_positions=False) achieved_occupancy = self.achieved_occupancy(positions, scale_positions=False) raw_positions = ceil(positions) if achieved_occupancy > max_occupancy: raw_positions = ceil(self.intensity / max_occupancy) achieved_occupancy = self.achieved_occupancy(raw_positions) achieved_service_level = self.service_level(raw_positions) waiting_probability = self.waiting_probability(positions=raw_positions) positions = ceil(raw_positions / (1 - self.shrinkage)) return {"raw_positions": raw_positions, "positions": positions, "service_level": achieved_service_level, "occupancy": achieved_occupancy, "waiting_probability": waiting_probability}
[docs]class MultiErlangC: """ This class uses the erlangc.rst class using joblib's Parallel, allowing to run multiple scenarios at once. It finds solutions iterating over all possible combinations provided by the users, inspired how Sklearn's Grid Search works Parameters ---------- param_grid: dict, Dictionary with the erlangc.rst.__init__ parameters, each key of the dictionary must be the expected parameter and the value must be a list with the different options to iterate example: {"transactions": [100, 200], "aht": [3], "interval": [30], "asa": [20 / 60], "shrinkage": [0.3]} n_jobs: int, default=2 The maximum number of concurrently running jobs. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. None is a marker for ‘unset’ that will be interpreted as n_jobs=1 (sequential execution) unless the call is performed under a parallel_backend() context manager that sets another value for n_jobs. pre_dispatch: {"all", int, or expression}, default='2 * n_jobs' The number of batches (of tasks) to be pre-dispatched. Default is ‘2*n_jobs’. See joblib's documentation for more details: Attributes ---------- waiting_probability_params: list[tuple], Each tuple of the list represents the used parameters in param_grid for ErlangC and arguments_grid for waiting_probability method,corresponding to the same order returned by the MultiErlangC.waiting_probability method. service_level_params: list[tuple], Each tuple of the list represents the used parameters in param_grid for ErlangC and arguments_grid for service_level method,corresponding to the same order returned by the MultiErlangC.service_level method. achieved_occupancy_params: list[tuple], Each tuple of the list represents the used parameters in param_grid for ErlangC and arguments_grid for achieved_occupancy method,corresponding to the same order returned by the MultiErlangC.achieved_occupancy method. required_positions_params: list[tuple], Each tuple of the list represents the used parameters in param_grid for ErlangC and arguments_grid for required_positions method,corresponding to the same order returned by the MultiErlangC.required_positions method. """ def __init__(self, param_grid: dict, n_jobs: int = 2, pre_dispatch: str = '2 * n_jobs'): self.param_grid = param_grid self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.pre_dispatch = pre_dispatch self.param_list = list(ParameterGrid(self.param_grid)) self.waiting_probability_params = None self.service_level_params = None self.achieved_occupancy_params = None self.required_positions_params = None
[docs] def waiting_probability(self, arguments_grid): """ Returns the probability of waiting in the queue Returns a list with the solution to all the possible combinations from the arguments_grid and the erlangc.rst param_grid Parameters ---------- arguments_grid: dict, Dictionary with the erlangc.rst.waiting_probability parameters, each key of the dictionary must be the expected parameter and the value must be a list with the different options to iterate example: {"positions": [10, 20, 30], "scale_positions": [True, False]} """ arguments_list = list(ParameterGrid(arguments_grid)) self.waiting_probability_params = [(erlang_params, wait_params) for erlang_params in self.param_list for wait_params in arguments_list] combinations = len(self.param_list) * len(arguments_list) results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, pre_dispatch=self.pre_dispatch)(delayed(ErlangC(**params).waiting_probability)(**arguments) for params in self.param_list for arguments in arguments_list) self._check_solutions(results, combinations) return results
[docs] def service_level(self, arguments_grid): """ Returns the expected service level given a number of positions Returns a list with the solution to all the possible combinations from the arguments_grid and the erlangc.rst param_grid Parameters ---------- arguments_grid: dict, Dictionary with the erlangc.rst.service_level parameters, each key of the dictionary must be the expected parameter and the value must be a list with the different options to iterate example: {"positions": [10, 20, 30], "scale_positions": [True, False]} """ arguments_list = list(ParameterGrid(arguments_grid)) self.service_level_params = [(erlang_params, sl_params) for erlang_params in self.param_list for sl_params in arguments_list] combinations = len(self.param_list) * len(arguments_list) results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, pre_dispatch=self.pre_dispatch)(delayed(ErlangC(**params).service_level)(**arguments) for params in self.param_list for arguments in arguments_list) self._check_solutions(results, combinations) return results
[docs] def achieved_occupancy(self, arguments_grid): """ Returns the expected occupancy of positions Returns a list with the solution to all the possible combinations from the arguments_grid and the erlangc.rst param_grid Parameters ---------- arguments_grid: dict, Dictionary with the erlangc.rst.achieved_occupancy parameters, each key of the dictionary must be the expected parameter and the value must be a list with the different options to iterate example: {"positions": [10, 20, 30], "scale_positions": [True, False]} """ arguments_list = list(ParameterGrid(arguments_grid)) combinations = len(self.param_list) * len(arguments_list) results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, pre_dispatch=self.pre_dispatch)(delayed(ErlangC(**params).achieved_occupancy)(**arguments) for params in self.param_list for arguments in arguments_list) self._check_solutions(results, combinations) return results
[docs] def required_positions(self, arguments_grid): """ Computes the requirements using MultiErlangC Returns a list with the solution to all the possible combinations from the arguments_grid and the erlangc.rst param_grid Parameters ---------- arguments_grid: dict, Dictionary with the erlangc.rst.achieved_occupancy parameters, each key of the dictionary must be the expected parameter and the value must be a list with the different options to iterate example: {"service_level": [0.85, 0.9], "max_occupancy": [0.8, 0.95]} """ arguments_list = list(ParameterGrid(arguments_grid)) combinations = len(self.param_list) * len(arguments_list) results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, pre_dispatch=self.pre_dispatch)(delayed(ErlangC(**params).required_positions)(**arguments) for params in self.param_list for arguments in arguments_list) self._check_solutions(results, combinations) return results
def _check_solutions(self, solutions, combinations): """ Checks the integrity of the solution in terms of dimensions """ if len(solutions) < 1: # noqa raise ValueError("Could not find any solution, make sure the param_grid is defined correctly") if len(solutions) != combinations: raise ValueError('Inconsistent results. Expected {} ' 'solutions, got {}' .format(len(self.param_list), len(solutions))) # noqa